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How did people bathe before hot running water - Bathing and what people did for water before the advent of domestic water boilers in the home.

Start a Quilting Business Making and Selling Custom Tree Skirts - Your quilting business niche could be making and selling custom tree skirts for the holidays.

Tips For Year Round Lawn Care - Find out how to have a lawn that will turn your neighbors green with envy.

Home Improving Tools and Supplies for Landscaping - Landscaping is part of improving the home.

Mopping up Water Damage - Whether your home or business has been swamped with floodwaters or has suffered a plumbing accident, mopping up the water and drying out the structure is a high priority.

Many Uses For Landscaping Blocks - Many professional landscapers, as well as homeowners, are finding many new uses for landscaping blocks, such as retaining walls for flowerbeds or for terracing a hilly terrain.

Your Home Will Be Safer With Outdoor Lighting - Outdoor lighting has many benefits for homeowners.

How to Take Care of Your Lawn - Great tips for getting and keeping that perfect green lawn.

Theft Earthquake Flood Insurance for Homeowners What Does it Cover - If you're a new homeowner, understanding your homeowners insurance policy is really important, but sometimes trying to figure out all of the policy's components - or whether you need additional coverages such as flood insurance - can get confusing.

Add Class to Your Office Decor with an Art Reproduction - Office decor doesn't have to be boring, or even all businesslike.

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